TopEase Asset Management Solution

    18 Februarie 2021
    112.605,04 RON
    Oferta acceptata
    Autoritatea contractantaLocalitate
    Bucuresti, Bucuresti
    FurnizorTipul contractului
    Cod CPVDescriere:
    Cerințe tehnice bază de date (TopEase® XChange Server) 1. Cerințe generale • Bază de date având capacitate de căutare integrată 2. Cerințe tehnice de system • Memorie minimă de 16 GB • Procesor minim 4 core CPU • 1 GB spațiu pe hard disk pentru instalare program • 50 GB spațiu pe hard disk pentru stocare date • MS Windows Server 2008 – 2016, 64 biți • Google Chrome, MS Edge Chromium sau Firefox • MS Excel 2007 - 2016 pentru utilizare capabilități de import de date 3. Cerințe tehnice PC virtual • Este necesar ca baza de date să poată fi instalată și să poată funcționa într-un mediu virtual. În acest sens, va fi alocată o memorie RAM. 4. Cerințe instalare • Este necesar să existe un kit de instalare care să ruleze autonom. • Aplicația să folosească o aplicație Java cu un launcher către Java VM. Cerințe tehnice aplicatie (TopEase® Asset Management) • Google Chrome, MS Edge Chromium sau Firefox • MS Excel 2007 - 2016 (optional, pentru documente) • MS Word 2007 – 2016 (optional, pentru documente) Cerințe tehnice software client (TopEase® Designer) Instalatia este folosita de cel putin un administrator de model pentru configurarea aplicatiei. 1. Cerințe generale • Software de modelare tip agent-based cu facilități pentru vizualizare și analiză incorporate • Control simplificat al fluxului de lucru, eventual cu interfața pentru gestionarea documentelor integrată • Posibilitate de configurare de noi câmpuri pentru date și analize suplimentare 2. Cerințe tehnice de sistem
    56.722,69 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: bucata
    TopEase Asset Management Solution
    Architecture Assets form the essential part of the business DNA of a company and can be comprehensively documented, networked, visualized, controlled and evaluated. Architecture Assets (ICT-Infrastructure) form the business DNA of a company and are responsible for its resilience and changeability. Of course, the process is also an asset of the company. The process is supported by separate application integrally and redundancy-free for asset management by TopEase®. Asset management is fully supported both vertically and horizontally, with each asset also being networked with another asset. Vertical towers (Enterprise Tower) allow representing assets in terms of who needs which other resources (e.g., process requires an application) or which resource supports another resource (e.g., hardware is the foundation of an application). Horizontal linking allow the presentation of assets in the sense of predecessor and successor (interfaces and data flow). This complexity is supported for better understanding by automatically generated visualizations. Thus, changes are easy to recognize and traceability is guaranteed at all times. Likewise, architecture scenarios can be formed and simulated by means of rules. TopEase® offers structured, sustainable architecture management including comprehensive governance documentation. Visibility, mobility, flexibility, integrity and quality are ensured by TopEase® 24/7, 365 days. - Architectures and their assets can be documented, maintained, evaluated, measured, controlled and changed - comprehensive and without redundancy. - Assets of an architecture can be linked with all other types of elements and objects of a company. - Automatic determination of all bases to be evaluated on the basis of objectives and lifecycle information. - Integration with the Internal Control System [ICS] is fully guaranteed. - Integration with process management is comprehensively guaranteed. - Integration with risk management is comprehensively guaranteed. - Comprehensive definition of asset governance and automatic measurement of targets.
    55.882,35 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: bucata
    TopEase Server / Database
    Control complexity, generate graphics automatically, distribute information securely and keep documentation up-to-date - means saving money and improving quality. Organizations often see limits in visualizing the entire business structure, making modelling and assessing new processes, controls, risks, architectures, systems, responsibilities, managing large change projects, or assessing their impact, delicate and complex. Using a variety of tools to manage processes, controls, risks, systems, organizational architectures, and regulatory requirements creates a fragmented view that conceals key relationships and dependencies. These "black holes" can create unforeseen challenges that cause projects to fail due to the lack of transparency of the changes, the deadlines being exceeded, or the quality not being met. Overall View (Transformation Capabilities) on the Company TopEase® addresses these challenges by performing three tasks to create an overall view of the business: Recognize: TopEase® understands all the elements that make up the existing enterprise environment, including processes, controls, risks, responsibilities, employee profiles, hardware, software, and application interfaces, Data, contracts and compliance obligations, etc., composed. Mapping: TopEase® associates these elements and their relationships with each other, such as which controls belong to which business processes or which systems support which business processes. Likewise, gaps are identified when, for example, no responsible employee has been named for a particular process. Visualize: TopEase® generates diagrams of the corporate landscape that can be tailored to the respective user roles and interests. Therefore, a risk manager can look at all the gaps in compliance processes, while a specialist can visualize the corresponding process flow to see how this is done e.g. Support the business customers. Technical Details: