Pregatire profesionala pentru personal aeronavigant si tehnic din Fortele Navale

    12 Martie 2020
    14.671,5 RON
    Oferta acceptata
    Autoritatea contractantaLocalitate
    Bucuresti, Bucuresti
    FurnizorTipul contractului
    Cod CPVDescriere:
    Achizitionarea unui nr de 3 cursuri de perfectionare profesionala, astfel: - curs EASA - Factori umani in mentenanta, pentru 4 persoane: Mocanu Adrian, Antonachie Cristinel, Constantin Teodora, Stuparu Paula; - curs EWIS pentru 2 persoane: Groparu Alexandru, Arama Adrian; - curs FTS pentru 2 persoane: Mocanu Adrian, Constantin Teodora; Data de incepere a cursurilor va fi stabilita de comun acord, pe baza unui contract semnat intre parti si furnizat de catre ofertant, dar nu mai tarziu de 15.09.2020. Se solicita un discount de 25% aplicat la pretul unitar al fiecarui curs.
    1.164 RON
    Cantitate: 2
    Unitate masura: bucata
    Curs Fuel Tank Safety
    Curs destinat personalului tehnic din aviatie, avand o durata de o zi, avand scopul de a familiariza participantii cu principalele elemente ce apar in legatura cu rezervoarele de carburant, cu referinta in documentele Annex I to ED Decision 2009-006-R si Annex 1 of Decision 2009-007-R
    2.057,25 RON
    Cantitate: 2
    Unitate masura: bucata
    Curs EWIS (Electrical Wiring Interconnect Services) for Groups 1 & 2
    Curs destinat personalului tehnic din aviatie, cu o durata de doua zile si care acopera urmatoarele elemente: - Introduction - Acronyms - Terminology - EWIS Background - Swissair 111 / BA 737-436, G-DOCH - AMC 20-21 - Inspection of EWIS - Development of EWIS Inspection - AMC 20-8 - Mandatory Reporting - EWIS EZAP - Standard Practices - ESDS - Tools Special Tools & Equipment - Calibration & Certification Tools & Equipment - Wiring Checks and TSM (Trouble Shooting Manual) - Using Meters - LRU Replacement General Practice - Wiring Practice Documentation - Minimum ESWPM Content - Inspection - Human Factors - Zonal Inspection and Levels - EWIS Areas of Concern - Housekeeping - Identification of Wiring - Inspection of Wiring - Development of Continuation Training - Inspection and Repair of Connective Devices
    2.057,25 RON
    Cantitate: 4
    Unitate masura: bucata
    Cursul se adreseaza personalului tehnic din aviatie, este scris si furnizat in Limba Engleza si acopera, pe parcursul a doua zile de instruire, urmatoarele elemente: - Abbreviations - Introduction - Contents - Why Do We Have Human Factors Training ? - Top 12 Precursors - Error Models - Landmark Incidents and Accidents Human Factor Related - Statistics - Safety Culture and Organisation Factors - Types of Violation - Types of Errors and Strategies - Human Performance and Limitations - Information Processing - Fatigue Risk Management Systems - Sleep Fatigue and Shift work - Stress Causes and Symptoms - Physical & Non Physical Limitations Motivation and De motivation - Procedures Information and Practices - Sleep Fatigue and Shift work - Stress Causes and Symptoms - Physical & Non Physical Limitations Motivation and De motivation - Procedures Information and Practices