Analiza pietei panourilor sandwich din Romania, editia 2019

    18 Noiembrie 2019
    4.937 RON
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    Bucuresti, Bucuresti
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    Cod CPVDescriere:
    Neomar Consulting a finalizat in Aprilie 2019, o noua editie a analizei sal axate pe piata panourilor termoizolante tip sandwich din Romania. Publicatia contine informatii cheie despre piata panourilor termoizolante din Romania: - Dimensiunea pieței (volum-euro și valoare-mp) - Import si export (volume / valori – detaliat pe tari de origine / destinatie) - Cotele de piata ale principalilor concurenti - Segmentarea pietei in functie de caracteristicile constructive (ex. panouri PUR, PIR, EPS, vata minerala, grosimi, destinatii, etc) - Analiza integrată a concurentei Raportul este disponibil doar in limba engleza si are urmatorul cuprins: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methodological aspects of the research Copyright and limitations on use of the study 1. Local Market of Sandwich Panels in 2008 – 2018 1.1. Total value of Romanian Sandwich Panels Market (Mil. Euro) 1.2. Total volume of Romanian Sandwich Panels Market (Mil. Sqm) 1.3. Estimated sales volume of key competitors (Sqm) - only sales on domestic market 1.4. Market shares of key competitors - by sales volume 1.5. Estimated sales value in Euro - Only sales on domestic market 1.6. Markes shares of key competitors - by sales value 2. Local production of sandwich panels 2.1. Segmention of local production of sandwich panels by destination 2014 - 2018 2.2. Local production of sandwich panels by main producers 2014 - 2018 (SQM) 2.3. Domestic sales of local productio
    4.937 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: bucata
    Analiza pietei panourilor sandwich din Romania, editia 2019
    Neomar Consulting a finalizat in Aprilie 2019, o noua editie a analizei sal axate pe piata panourilor termoizolante tip sandwich din Romania. Publicatia contine informatii cheie despre piata panourilor termoizolante din Romania: - Dimensiunea pieței (volum-euro și valoare-mp) - Import si export (volume / valori – detaliat pe tari de origine / destinatie) - Cotele de piata ale principalilor concurenti - Segmentarea pietei in functie de caracteristicile constructive (ex. panouri PUR, PIR, EPS, vata minerala, grosimi, destinatii, etc) - Analiza integrată a concurentei Raportul este disponibil doar in limba engleza si are urmatorul cuprins: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methodological aspects of the research Copyright and limitations on use of the study 1. Local Market of Sandwich Panels in 2008 – 2018 1.1. Total value of Romanian Sandwich Panels Market (Mil. Euro) 1.2. Total volume of Romanian Sandwich Panels Market (Mil. Sqm) 1.3. Estimated sales volume of key competitors (Sqm) - only sales on domestic market 1.4. Market shares of key competitors - by sales volume 1.5. Estimated sales value in Euro - Only sales on domestic market 1.6. Markes shares of key competitors - by sales value 2. Local production of sandwich panels 2.1. Segmention of local production of sandwich panels by destination 2014 - 2018 2.2. Local production of sandwich panels by main producers 2014 - 2018 (SQM) 2.3. Domestic sales of local production of sandwich panels by main producers 2014-2018 (SQM) 2.4. Export from local production of sandwich panels by main producers 2014 - 2018 (SQM) 2.5. Segmentation of local production of sandwich panels by thermoinsulating core 2.6. Segmentation of local production of sandwich panels by type 2.7. Segmentation of local production of sandwich panels by thickness of steel sheets in 2018 2.8. Segmentation of local production of PUR and PIR sandwich panels by thickness of the panel 2.9. Segmentation of local production of Mineral Wool panels by thickness of the panel 2.10. Segmentation of local production of sandwich panels by regions 2.11. Segmentation of local sales of sandwich panels by main channels (by value) 2.12. Segmentation of local sales of sandwich panels by main types of projects / works (by value) 3. Foreign Trade - Imports of sandwich panels in Romania 3.1. Evolution of imports of sandwich panels by value (Mil. EUR) 3.2. Evolution of imports of sandwich panels by quantity (Tons) 3.3. Analysis of sandwich panels imports by quantity (SQM) imported and by countries of origin 4. Foreign Trade - Exports of sandwich panels from Romania 4.1. Evolution of exports of sandwich panels by value (Mil. Euro) 4.2. Evolution of exports of sandwich panels by quantity (Tons) 4.3. Evolution of exports of sandwich panels by quantity (SQM) 4.4. Estimated exports of sandwich panels by producer - SQM 5. Analysis of the main local producers and importers of sandwich panels 5.1. Isopan Est 5.2. Joris Ide 5.3. TeraSteel 5.4. Topanel 5.5. Impro Panels 5.6. Romatermit 5.7. Metigla