Traducere autorizata din limba engleza in limba romana
Data26 Iunie 2019
Valoare1.242 RON
Conditii neacceptate la termen
Autoritatea contractantaLocalitateCalarasi, Calarasi
FurnizorTipul contractuluiServicii
Cod CPVDescriere:Traducere din limba engleza in limba romana a urmatoarelor documente: 1. Co- financing Contract from national budget no. 53990/21.04.2017; 2.MRDPA Notification no. 22868/13.02.2019 to APDRP; 3. Decision no.1/12.02.2019 for termination of Co-financing Contract no. 53990/21.04.2017; 4. Decision 86/01.10.2018 of the Monitoring Commitee and related forwarding letter to National Authority; 5. Decision no. 63/21.03.2018 of the General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting of APDRP; 6. Meetings of Proceedings no. 62/21.03.2018 of the General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting of APDRP; 7. Letter of withdrawl from the project no. 64/21.03.2018 of the General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting of APDRP;8. JS Proposal no. 24225/11.12.2018 for termination of Co-financing Contract no. 53990/21.04.2017. Se plateste pretul de 20 lei/pagina, o pagina este reprezentata de 2000 de caractere cu spatii (folosind optiunea WOrd Count din Microsoft Word).
Achizitii23 RON
Cantitate: 54
Unitate masura: pagina
Traduceri autorizate
Traduceri in/si din limba engleza, in/si din limba romana
Interpretariat in/si din limba engleza, in/si din limba romana