Reactivi Chimici

    11 Iunie 2018
    1.023 RON
    Oferta acceptata
    Autoritatea contractantaLocalitate
    Alexandria, Teleorman
    FurnizorTipul contractului
    Cod CPVDescriere:
    Reactivi chimic conform ofertei
    235 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: 1 litru
    Azotat de argint 0.1N solutie
    factor.............................................................. uncertainty ± 0,001 1 ml = 0,01699 g AgNO3 1,000 ± 0,001 This volumetric solution was checked by means of potentiometric methods using Scharlau’s potassium chloride volumetric standard. Scharlau’s volumetric standards are directly traceable to the Standard Reference Materials from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA). • Form: liquid • Density: 1,01 g/cm3 • pH (20 ºC) ~ 4 - 5
    150 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: 1 litru
    Clorura de sodiu solutie 0.1 mol/litru
    Specifications factor............................................................. uncertainty ± 0,001 1 ml = 0,005844 g NaCl 0,999 - 1,001 This volumetric solution was checked by means of potentiometric methods using a silver nitrate standard solution, that was also checked against Scharlau’s potassium chloride volumetric standard. Scharlau’s volumetric standards are directly traceable to the Standard Reference Materials from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
    161 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: 500 ml
    Standard de conductivitate clorura de potasiu 1413ns/cm
    conductivity at 25 °C.............................. ........ uncertainty...................................................... The standard has been measured with an electrode, whose cell constant is approx. 8,9 cm-1, and a temperature sensor. This conductivity standard is traceable to SRM 999a from NIST (KCl). 1399 - 1427 µS/cm < 1% T (°C) 15.................................................................... 20.................................................................... 25.................................................................... 30.................................................................... 35.................................................................... 40.................................................................... k (µS/cm) 1139 1276 1413 1550 1694 1833 • Form: liquid • Solub. in water (20 ºC): miscible Physical data
    355 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: 500g
    Iodura de potasiu
    • Form: solid • Spec. density: 3,13 g/cm3 • Bulk density: ~ 1500 kg/m3 • Solub. in water (20 ºC): soluble • Melting point: 686 ºC • Boiling point: 1330 ºC • Vapour pressure: (745 ºC) 1,3 hPa • pH (50 g/l H2O, 20 ºC) ~ 6,9
    122 RON
    Cantitate: 1
    Unitate masura: 1 litru
    Acid oxalic 0,1N titrofix
    Identification H2C2O4 M = 90,04 g/mol CAS [144-62-7] EC number: 205-634-3 Taric code: 2917 11 00 O OH HO O Applications analytical chemistry, laboratory reagent. Specifications factor.............................................................. uncertainty ± 0,001 1 ml = 0,004502 g C2H2O4 0,999 - 1,001 This volumetric solution was checked by means of potentiometric methods using a potassium permanganate standard solution, that was also checked against Scharlau’s oxalic acid volumetric standard. Scharlau’s volumetric standards are directly traceable to the Standard Reference Materials from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA).